Welcome to ERMIScom International Learning, Teaching & Training week!
We have the great pleasure of inviting you to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences to participate in ERMIScom project’s International Learning, Teaching & Training week between 13th and 19th of November 2022. ERMIScom (Common curricula for diversity: education in media and integration of vulnerable groups) aspires to develop a common curriculum among involved Higher Education Institutions (HEI) aiming to enhance the efficacy of media courses to counter fake news and hate speech spread online on social media in order to facilitate the social integration and inclusion of vulnerable social groups. A 7-day Intensive program for Higher Education Learners “Media Education for Diversity” in HELSINKI, FINLAND, which is the second round of projects piloting and testing of all IOs in a joint manner, simulating the whole master curriculum in an intensive & interdisciplinary way.
Please see the schedule attached.